26 June 2012

To Dos

It's really just starting to dawn on me that I'll be in Australia in just a few days.  Every time I think about it, I get excited.  And I know that this excitement will just increase as the week progresses.

Of course, there is a touch of anxiety that comes along with the excitement, as I still need to pack and fit everything into my one suitcase, and I'm still not one-hundred percent sure what I need in some parts of packing. But that's just a small part of the emotions.

Anywhoo, last night was our 'barbecue'.  I had fun.  I was given an 'Australian Made' koala that plays a didgeridoo (of course, the didgeridoo fell off when I was adjusting it today...).  It's super cool.  I love it!

I made Pavlova for dessert, but since I was given an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen (it had the country, a koala, and a kangaroo!), it was forgotten until I went to open my cards.  Oh, Grandma asked me if I was going to get my bangs cut before I left.  ...I just got my hair cut, so.....  I don't think I'll be getting them cut anytime soon, considering both the length of my hair overall and my bangs is much too short for my personal liking, since I got about 5 inches cut off each... (yikes!).

Thinking about Grandma, she invited us over on Wednesday for pizza.  And while Grandma's apartment is small, it's always nice going over to hers for a visit with everyone.

Anyways.  I'm trying to give myself lots of things to do while I'm on the planes and waiting around in the airports.  I think the longest layover I have is in LA, seeing as I only have two layovers, and one is less than two hours and the other is almost five (haha!  oops...).  Then again....I do have to wait in Sydney for about four hours before I can catch my train onwards, but I'll get to go through customs....  (notice my use of 'get'? haha).

Back on track:  I've bought a couple books that are about the size of a photograph, filled with a variety of word games and puzzles to keep me entertained.  I also bought a book with short stories by five different authors, three of which I've read books by, so I'm pretty excited about reading that (I'm also really excited about the price.... $2!).  It called Vacations from Hell (hehe!).  And short stories are the best, methinks, for travelling, so I'm not tied down to one long story or another.  Of course, I am bringing two full-length books, too.  The Returners by Gemma Malley (author of my favourite series, The Declaration), and Thirteen Days to Midnight by Patrick Carman (I bought it while we were in the States a month ago).  I've also been downloading movies and music.  (I know, I know, bad, bad *slaps own wrist*.)  And I've been refraining from watching any of the movies (of course, most of the ones I already had before last week have been watched).  The music I really couldn't care less about.  I love listening to music so, as long as it's good, I'm happy.  I've also made close to two-hundred playlists by this point.  I haven't counted in a while, and the last time I did, it was almost at one-sixty, but that was last week, and I've made more since then, so maybe it's around one-seventy-five.  I'm not sure.  (These are iTunes Genius Playlists, by the way.  I would never go to the effort of making that many playlists, haha).

I've also been looking into mobile phones.  Again.  I can't decide if I should get one here or when I get there.  But I do think I'm leaning more towards getting one in Australia that will work when I return home for good next year.  I've been looking at the options in a bunch of stores in Australia, as well as the US, and a couple in Canada (but there are only two options that I've come across, and neither have more than about five options apiece).  And I've been looking at the prepaid options each provider in Australia has so I know kind of what I'm getting for what I'm paying.  Of course, as I've already mentioned, any phone I do buy must be able to work in both Australia and North America, so I'm not spending $100+ on a phone only not to be able to use it in the other area.  (That would just suck!)

Ooh!  I can't wait! yey!

Anyways, I should be off.  TTFN!


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