24 October 2012

Four Months

It's hard to believe I've been in Australia almost four months now. The time has just flown right by. I'll be leaving the place I've called home for the past 4 months, and that's going to be kind of really weird, methinks. I'll be in a different bed almost every night for a month.

This next month is going to be very busy. I have three tours planned, totalling 22days, a day of traveling - 9-something AM to 11-something PM - and some extreme traveling - 7pm to 830pm, the same day while crowing the International Dateline. I've got a few ideas for the days where I have nothing planned as of yet. Like the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb, and visiting the Olympic Park in Sydney, visiting the Blue Mountains, a day trip to Phillip Island, a tour of the Cadbury Chocolate Factory in Hobart, Tas (this one will happen on a free day), bungee jumping in New Zealand (might happen on the tour), as well as hitting some beaches, and don't some shopping. :)  Busy, busy, busy, but fun, fun, fun!

Until I figure out exactly what I'll be doing up until the 3rd of November, I'll be pacing and repacking my bag to try to make everything fit better. So much effort. This whole planning would be a lot easier with my laptop, but my adapter when kaput on the weekend, so my laptop is dead right now. :(  I'll be getting a new adapter when I get to Sydney though, so hopefully it won't be too much longer. *crosses fingers*

Well, I'm about ready to fall asleep...TTFN! xx


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