31 October 2012

Surf Camp

<p>These last few days (the first few of my trip) have been amazing. I'm currently headed back to Sydney for a couple days before the next leg begins. </p>
<p>The last few days have been spent at surf camp, where I've been, surprise, surprise, learning to surf. And, while sometimes pretty painful (having to board hit you) and disgusting (getting a faceful of salt water), it was so much fun!!&nbsp; Yesterday (30th), one of the instructors stayed with me, even showing g me a different way to get up in the board after I was having difficulties with the usual way and getting stuck on my knees, until I finally got up all the wat and was surfing for a few milliseconds! Ah, what a feeling. Of course, this afternoon, when he helped me again, and I got up, the feeling was even better. I hadn't quite realised I got up, and when I got up and started heading back out, his reaction made it even better! Haha. They were both super excited whenever we finally got up and got the wave.</p>

<p>It was so much fun, and it's kind of sad that it's over, but maybe I can go back sometime or something. ;P </p>

<p>Tomorrow, though, it's bridge climbing time! Ahahah! Can't wait!</p>



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