16 July 2012

Mini Update

I just have one itty bitty thing to say: if you want to stop by and say hi, sure, fine, whatever, I don't really care. But, when I do care, it's because it's like 12:30, and I'm trying to sleep!  Gack!

Anyways, all is going well here.  A little exhausted this morning (thanks lion guy and friends) but good.

I got my first piece of mail at my new Australian address. So exciting! Now I can go shopping a bit, as I was starting to run out if money and it was my bank card. yey!

I had a link shared with me this morning about catching a kangaroo! Oh, was it ever funny. I loved it!  I was even laughing before I even watched, as the title just made my brek.  Haha, thanks Sarah!

Well, I'm going to go now. I have lunch to get and eat and then class at one. Sorry, I meant a tutorial at one. I don't have class until tomorrow, and it's a different subject, haha.  Then I have to go get a few groceries as the sale ends tomorrow and and I want to stock up a bit.  And either today, tomorrow, or Wednesday, I'm going to see another play (we saw one on Friday, and it was pretty good. :)), mostly because I've met someone who's in it (met him at the train station in Lithgow, and have been seeing him around a lot).  Plus it kind of sounds like it'll be fun and funny. My favourite kind, haha!!

Okay, TTFN! xx


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